Der Schreibstil ist so flüssig und rasant, dass das lesen eine wahre Freude war. Was für ein tolles Buch! Nach ein paar gelesenen Seiten wusste ich, dieses Buch wird gut. I wish BA Paris would cut down a little on the buildup and add a little more in finishing the plot. I was half hoping that I get to see the characters after everything that happened. I feel like there were a lot of build-ups but a sudden cut in the end. And as always, I am still craving for so much more from the ending. However, despite that, I still like the premise of the book and I am super satisfied. But I was just a bit too bored with most of it. I guess BA Paris was trying to totally drill in the fact that Cass IS having a Breakdown. The twist, in the end, was so deliciously satisfying, I totally forgot how pissed I am for spending hours reading the same theme of what Cass was going through.

Not sure if the author intentionally did it this way to make me feel like I was going through the same thing feeling as Cass but OMG. I did not want to skip in the fear of missing anything important but I was going mad just waiting for what was going to happen. However, there were pages upon pages of boring build-up that I was at the point where I was thinking of skipping some pages. And I will also say the same for this book. I mentioned in the past that I loved Behind closed doors.

As always, just like Behind Closed Doors, the tension leading up to the final twist of the story is unnecessarily long.